Soul Purpose

In the past couple weeks there has been a monumental shift for me when it comes to my life purpose. I blame the solar eclipse.

I’ve always been a confident person but after giving birth to my son in January I was so empowered. I couldn’t understand why women were rushing for medication and c-sections to get through their normal, healthy labors. I became determined to shift the thinking of expecting women and society, in general…so I took my doula training when my son was 5 months old. There was something missing from that class. It was informative but there was a disconnect or fear when it came to talking about changing societies perception of birth. The way a soul is ushered into this realm is just as important as how they exit…sometimes they need help navigating it! A new mother, as well, needs support in her transition into motherhood. 

For those who don’t know me, I can be pretty intense when engaged in something I’m passionate about and I’m passionate about birth…I’ve been struggling with figuring out how to make the standard, passive doula practice work for me when I know there is a bigger shift to help facilitate with. In my accounts of pregnancy and labor I mentioned that I experienced premonitions and times of just knowing…Can’t everyone experience this reassuring sense of understanding and calm? Yes. Sometimes it’s masked or hidden but it’s available to all. Where does this understanding come from?

Lemuria.  An ancient civilization located on the islands of present day Hawaii. You can google the full history and how their culture spread into the world thousands of years ago. This peaceful community held ancient wisdom from the stars and there is an awakening happening right now like never before. Gender roles were different but equally respected in this civilization. Men were the providers & protecters…women were connected to the Divine and brought forth new souls to nurture.

In Lee Caroll’s channeling of Kyron, he talks about the seed of original knowledge has been lost. This understanding is practical & elementary. It can be applied to beginning and modern societies because the truth of how to behave, how to balance, and become compassionate is always the same generation to generation. Again, google can lead you to many more of these divine messages if you’re interested.

Sidebar: There has been a lot of amazing people doing things with this work but just like with the Akashic records, I feel like there has been a rush of financial gain from a knowledge that is free and waiting for all. Everyone is looking for their “tribe”, I get it. However, when did money ever play a role in the exchanging of ideas or information for our ancestors. It was a human right to be taught these ancient ways (i.e. shamanism and other cultures of the distant past). Let’s go back to interacting as humans, not as business transactions.

Back to my original train of thought…While laboring in the hospital, I entered a meditative state with each contraction. I was physically in the delivery room but mentally I went somewhere else. The teachings from my Lemurian ancestory helped me remain centered throughout my childbirth experience. I was so comforted, not only by external support, but internally…as if I had my own cheering section on the other side of the veil passing my son’s soul off to me in a harmonious and gentle way. We worked together as a team to transition him into this physical plane. And what do you know…He is the most mild mannered baby I have ever met.

In contrast, there was another mother laboring at the same time as me. She was screaming in agony and pain not very far along in her labor. The medical staff told us that she would be getting an epidural, no exception…there was no *trained* emotional support for her. Obviously I don’t know who this woman is or how the rest of her labor went but I can tell you that their little girl did not stop crying the two days we were in the hospital. Morning, noon, and night…wails would come from their end of the hall and we had yet to hear our little guy do more than squeak.

Coincidence or is there a bigger picture here? I’m interested to see how my future pregnancies go (God willing!) and what affect it will have on my children’s temperament and behavior. By being carried by the mother, the child, male or female, would naturally inherit some of her consciousness. And if that consciousness is already awakened and comforted by the pure essence of womanhood/sisterhood than how powerful can future generations become! We’re waking up…it’s the next step for our species and we’re ready to evolve.

I still don’t know where this will take me personally or professionally, I have a better understanding of myself and how I can contribute to humanity in a larger way. I’ve got my confidence back and it will help me continue to live happier, healthier, and hopeful!

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