Religion vs. Spirituality

Many people are struggling with the rigid confines of organized religion and therefore rebelling against it. The rise of different religious paths is really interesting to look into if you’re so inclined. Suppression, misinterpretation, and financial gain are some of the reasons why there has been a disconnect from the religious groups in our western culture. It doesn’t fit our evolving understanding of the meaning of life. Why spend time/energy with things that don’t align within us? What if it comes down to perception? Yes, historically most of the World’s major religions have seen some sort of corruption, but could the thread of truth still be uncovered and brought forth?

I was raised with a strong Christian background. We attended Church and Sunday School every week sometimes twice a week! There were numerous Christmas Programs, Vacation Bible School, and other extra curricular church activities that occupied my childhood. I didn’t really retailiate going to many of these functions and I generally enjoyed worship. In college, as most people do, I revalued my position on organized religion. I stopped attending regularly and didn’t say my daily prayers. I became aware of myself as a spiritual being and that trumped any religious teachings I had up until that point in my life and it made me angry toward “religion”. Who I used to be felt like a stranger and I felt lost but I continued my work spiritually — meditating, daily rituals, chanting, yoga, etc. I refused any kind of religious growth or connection. 

My senior year at The University of Iowa I took a class called Quest for Human Destiny and it created a shift in my understanding. The professor, who happened to also be a Jewish rabbi, used biblical texts as stories of fiction rather than historical events. When The Bible is read through a theoretical lense verses a factual one, it changes the connotation of religious teachings and makes them resonate on a deeper, spiritual level.

“Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place — the Most High who is my refuge — no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. ”

Psalm 91:9-11

The first time (and honestly the last time) I can remember being completely unbridled and authentic with myself was in 5th grade. Each summer I would attend a week-long, overnight Bible camp not to far away from my home. Even though it was less than a 30 minute drive, I felt as if I was thousands of miles away. The land and forest of this particular camp has a strong energetic connection with the Divine. I would lose myself in the awe and wonder during my exploration of the grounds and in the various camp activities. One project that truly lit my internal fire was our daily acts of service. It was basically doing chores around the facility like cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming, yard work, and such but it was so much more than that. It taught me how to serve selflessly. Not because it was required but because I felt intrinsic value in doing it. 

Now, as an adult who daily acts in service towards others, I realized that there is no difference between being religious or spiritual. The confusion is within vocabulary. Someone who believes in a Universal Energy or a general “Higher power” is essentially believing in God. One who spends time in prayer is spending time in meditation. Those who have spiritual gifts are essentially “prophets” and share similar abilities as the disciples…

“If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.”

1 Corinthians 13:2

As a light and energy worker I often call upon guides, angels, and ascended masters to assist with my clients. Some family members and friends, who have a strong tie with their religious beliefs, have struggled with understanding what I do. From their point of view because it’s “unknown” or “taboo” it’s something to fear. The way I understand it is it actually supports and deepens my personal religious beliefs. Again, just another misunderstanding.

At the end of the day, we are all spiritual beings living a human existence. What path we choose follow can only be determined individually and should be celebrated by everyone even if it’s not in alignment with what we choose to believe. If the object is to make each person believe one way, we hinder our growth as a species. Challenge common understandings, seek YOUR truth, and always be happy, healthy, and hopeful.