Morning Coffee with my Dad.

I’m a little hesitant in writing this so it must be time to share this short piece. Oh, by the way, my dad passed away in 2015. 

Here’s our routine – my 7 month old wakes me up around 7am, I change his diaper, we let the dog out, turn on spotify, my son plays on his mat or in his jumper, and I make a cup of coffee…

About this time there’s a shift in energy in my house. Enter dad. Always on time, always the same. I can imagine him walking through my door with the newspaper tucked under is arm, coffee in the other asking me typical dad stuff. I first started to notice his presence regularly after my son was born and would usually brush it off because it would bring forth heavy emotions of sadness & grief. A close friend, who happens to have many gifts and has never met my father, confirmed his visits when my son was about 3 months so I started paying closer attention.

I sit with my cup at the kitchen table with a pen, notebook, and sometimes my pendulum and oracle or tarot cards. I write down any thoughts or memories that are brought to my mind’s eye. I pay attention to the lyrics and names of songs that come through on my Spotify as these can give more understanding to the topics at hand. I ask him questions of all sorts…what’s it like to transition, professional clairity, reassurance, investment guidance…you name it, we’ve discussed it. Each day brings up new topics and I’m grateful for this extra time with my dad.

For those of you well versed in spirits, attachments and the sort – I assure you all ties are cut and he knows he’s allowed to leave when he wants. I was actually the one to help him cross the first time because his death was sudden and unexpected and he was energetically stuck in this physical plane. It’s entirely up to him when he visits and I know there might come a day my dad won’t join me for coffee, but until then I will grab a second cup and continue to be happy, healthy, and hopeful.