Intention, Manifestation & Motherhood.

I have been working on three drafts about intention and manifestation but none of them have felt complete. I realized yesterday that the reason was due to lack of personalization. It was just regurgitated words I have read throughout my journey which are completely applicable but not always relatable. So, with very little editing (as always), here is a compilation of some overstated tidbits mixed with a little reality…

Have you ever met someone who attracts anything they want? It’s almost as if life is magically opening for them while others can’t seem to get the child proof lid off.

Would you believe that anyone can attain that level of manifestation in their own life?! For some it will unfold easily…For others it will take a lot of work & persistence. The roads are never the same and there may be some ‘ugly’ to break through but it’s worth it.

“Love the life you have while you create the life of your dreams.” – Hal Elrod

Energy can not be created or destroyed. It can’t be manipulated and influenced…it is neutral…what gives it a positive or negative vibe is perception. Thought has been scientifically proven to be an energetic process. So when we perceive positively, the same will be brought to us. It’s more than just thinking, however, it must also be a belief that you deserve these good things to happen.

“What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.” -Buddha

Personally, I am naturally positive and manifest things very easily. That’s how I knew my pregnancy and labor would be pleasant…but what else led me to that assumption? Conversations. By talking with my mom, sister, and even my mother-in-law, I shaped my perception of birth around their experiences. Their recollection of their experiences, while all unique, had a similar message.


By sharing their truths about their experiences, they could confidently inform me of the good, the bad, and the ugly. It was very relieving to be supported by such strong and determined women but I realize that’s not the norm in our western culture. There is so much fear and uncertainty and women have stopped sharing their knowledge.

In most of the mom’s groups I follow on Facebook there are posts, almost daily, about “my sister said I would be stupid not to get an epidural” or “my mom said her labor with me was by far the worst in comparison to my siblings”. In most cases the post is flooded with positive affirmations and encouragement but the damage is already done. That expecting woman already has a string of belief that her labor will be unimaginably painful and difficult because the belief of people closest to us hold more weight than strangers.

While some women have the mental capacity to break through patterns of negative self-talk many can not, especially while child bearing and child rearing. That’s not to say we shouldn’t alter our experiences or sugar coat what to expect but rather change the tone of conversations from accusations and blame to ones of non judgement and celebration.

“Imagine what might happen if women emerged from their labor beds with a renewed sense of strength and power of their bodies, and of their capacity for ecstasy through giving birth.” -Dr. Christiane Northrup

When women step into the role of mother, a sisterhood forms. It’s a bond like no other. We should be embracing each other instead of undermining our self-worth. We are brave, strong, feminine, and most of all happy, healthy, and hopeful.