Birth: Alternative Point of View

This day and age, most people worry about the comfort of a laboring women. I’m here to bring awareness to the other side of birth…That of the children being born & the magical connection to the mother. As I often reiterate, birth is commonly NOT a medical event. It is a normal, physiological occurrence as well as a spiritual journey […]

I’m Tired.

2017 I’m tired of being tired. I’m tired of not feeling heard. I’m tired of limiting confidence. I’m tired of relinquishing my power. I’m tired of having to justify and explain my actions. I’m tired of sacrificing joy. I’m tired of oppression. I’m tired of disrespect. I’m tired of inequality. I’m tired of feeling stress, anxious, or depressed. Last year […]

Christmas…It’s all about Birth!

So if you’ve read my other posts you’ll realize birth and spirituality are my jam…this past week those two worlds were celebrated simultaneously and that was AWESOME. Christmas has always been my favorite Holiday, not because of gifts, but because of the love and wonder surrounding it. This year though I really began to think about what Jesus’ birth was […]

Medical or mindful?

There’s about to be a shift in the way modern medicine is practiced. Currently in the U.S. it is a misogynist institution that, for the most part, cares more about budgets, bottom lines, and profits. Yes, great medical advancements and discoveries have improved our overall well being and longevity of life, but it’s all based out of fear. Vaccines is […]