Birth: Alternative Point of View

This day and age, most people worry about the comfort of a laboring women. I’m here to bring awareness to the other side of birth…That of the children being born & the magical connection to the mother. As I often reiterate, birth is commonly NOT a medical event. It is a normal, physiological occurrence as well as a spiritual journey […]

Being Human

When you first meet someone the conversation usual flows to what you do and who you are. You can tell a lot about a person about how they define themselves.
If they say they are a mother to three beautiful children, you know they value family. If their answer is a lawyer, then it’s their career they consider most important…most people […]

Mama On A Mission.

Mama On A Mission.

So if you know me, you know I am passionate about a lot. The #1 thing that really gets me going is when people are not informed. Doesn’t matter the situation. If you don’t know the how, what, when, where, & most importantly the WHY of something then you are not properly informed. Also, understanding where that information is coming […]

I’m Tired.

2017 I’m tired of being tired. I’m tired of not feeling heard. I’m tired of limiting confidence. I’m tired of relinquishing my power. I’m tired of having to justify and explain my actions. I’m tired of sacrificing joy. I’m tired of oppression. I’m tired of disrespect. I’m tired of inequality. I’m tired of feeling stress, anxious, or depressed. Last year […]

Christmas…It’s all about Birth!

So if you’ve read my other posts you’ll realize birth and spirituality are my jam…this past week those two worlds were celebrated simultaneously and that was AWESOME. Christmas has always been my favorite Holiday, not because of gifts, but because of the love and wonder surrounding it. This year though I really began to think about what Jesus’ birth was […]

Road trip!

This is so fun. I am writing this while sitting in the passenger seat of my husband’s truck! We are headed to his hometown for the weekend to celebrate with a baby shower for his sister & brother in law. (It happens to also be my hubs 29th birthday weekend so I’m positive there will be some celebrating of that […]

Medical or mindful?

There’s about to be a shift in the way modern medicine is practiced. Currently in the U.S. it is a misogynist institution that, for the most part, cares more about budgets, bottom lines, and profits. Yes, great medical advancements and discoveries have improved our overall well being and longevity of life, but it’s all based out of fear. Vaccines is […]

Intention, Manifestation & Motherhood.

I have been working on three drafts about intention and manifestation but none of them have felt complete. I realized yesterday that the reason was due to lack of personalization. It was just regurgitated words I have read throughout my journey which are completely applicable but not always relatable. So, with very little editing (as always), here is a compilation […]

All Hallows' Eve Channel

So I skipped my posting last week because of many physical ailments (migraines, sinus, cough, etc.) Which ended up being a clearing for the crazy channels I’ve been able to receive right around Halloween. Since the veil is at the thinnest it allows for spirit/God/Higher self to more easily communicate with us on the physical plane. There has been a […]

True Nature of Health

Disclaimer: I had another topic I was working on this week but this kept coming up in my conversations recently so I HAVE to share. This will probably be unedited so apologies for the grammar police out there! Part A.  I’m a firm believer that our mental state influences our physical body. When our health is failing, it’s because we […]